Alex E. Unveiling the Illusion: Corporate Sponsorship and the Free Press In an era where media plays a significant role in shaping public opinion, the question arises: Is it even possible to have a free press? We live in a world where corporate sponsorship and hidden agend... first ammendment free speech media media watch social media Jun 26, 2023 Alex Exum's Blog
Alex E. The Indispensable Foundation: Free Speech At the core of the United States' founding principles lies the unwavering belief in the power of free speech. The very existence of the nation hinged upon the courageous expression of dissent, challen... United States Constitution first ammendment free speech media media watch social media Jun 25, 2023 Alex Exum's Blog
Alex E. Lost in Translation: Unmasking the Secrets of Censorship in the Land of the Free The sweet sound of opposition, the symphony of narrow-mindedness that tries to drown out the voice of truth. Let's talk about those pathetic souls who dare to censor my show. Buckle up, my dear listen... cancel culture first ammendment free speech media media watch social media Jun 8, 2023 Alex Exum's Blog
Alex E. The Media Wrecked America It's high time we face the harsh truth: the mainstream media has morphed into an unchecked wrecking ball, obliterating the American ideals of fairness, transparency, and balance. Our sacred freedom of... United States Constitution first ammendment free speech media media watch social media Jun 2, 2023 Alex Exum's Blog