Alex E. Concealed Carrying without a Permit: Is the Risk worth the Reward? In states like California, where obtaining a concealed carry permit is an arduous process, an increasing number of individuals, including law-abiding citizens, are weighing the risks and rewards of ca... crime culture guns law legal mass shooting society 4 nov. 2023
Alex E. How to Survive a Mass Shooting In today's unpredictable world, being prepared for emergency situations can make a significant difference. One such horrifying event that nobody wants to imagine is a mass shooting. While the chances ... crime culture law legal mass shooting society 26 oct. 2023
Alex E. America's Brazen Criminals: The Shocking Tale of a Paroled Felon's Rampage In the sprawling metropolis of Chicago, a city known for its vibrant culture and architectural wonders, another disturbing incident has cast a dark shadow over its streets. The shocking and heartbreak... Samuel Parsons-Salas. capital punishment chicago crime guns law legal mass shooting 3 sept. 2023