Alex E. Don't Let Politics Ruin Your Life: Learning from Tragic Consequences In the heart of Santa Fe, New Mexico, a community was torn apart by a senseless act of violence that serves as a sobering reminder of the dangers of political polarization. The case involving Ryan Dav... law legal news politics trump 29 abr 2024 Alex Exum's Blog
Alex E. American Propaganda: Joe Biden in 'Robust Health Report' - A Glaring Omission In the realm of politics, especially in the age of 24/7 news cycles and social media blitzes, every move, every word, and every report is scrutinized with an intensity that can be exhausting. So when ... American Propaganda culture news politics society 29 feb 2024 Alex Exum's Blog
Alex E. Insurrection: Do You Really Have a Choice? Let's cut right through the foggy pretense and the political mumbo-jumbo. We're talking about the Trump Insurrection Charges here, folks. And if you think this is just about the events of January 6th,... culture news politics society 28 dic 2023 Alex Exum's Blog
Alex E. Stanley Meyer's Water Fuel Cell: The Greatest Invention that Never Was Few tales in the annals of automotive innovation have stirred as much debate as Stanley Meyer's water fuel cell. While some hailed it as a groundbreaking discovery that could revolutionize the transpo... conspiracy economy news society 8 nov 2023 Alex Exum's Blog
Alex E. Introducing Urban Network News (UNN) to The Alex Exum Show:Empowering the Black Community with Inclusive News Greetings, Alex Exum Show community! Today, we are thrilled to introduce a game-changing news service that is all set to elevate the way news is presented to the Black community. It is with great exci... media network news unn urban 4 ago 2023 Alex Exum's Blog
Alex E. The Ridiculous Third Indictment of Trump: Is Your Vote Worthless? Hey there, friends. Alex Exum here, ready to dive into the latest circus that has unfolded in the political landscape. Today, we're going to talk about the third indictment of former President Donald ... current events law legal news politics trump 3 ago 2023 Alex Exum's Blog