Alex E. Department of Injustice: Political Chess with Trump as the Pawn The Department of Justice, up to its old tricks again. Like a relentless hound on the scent, it seems they’ve decided to pin their crosshairs on Donald Trump, our former commander in chief. Let's cut ... United States Constitution department of justice legal swamp trump 13 jun 2023
Alex E. Mainstream Mayhem: The Corporate Puppet Show Wrecking America. Oh, you want to talk about the mainstream media, do you? Oh, that's just delicious. Hold onto your hat, kid, 'cause we're about to rip open a can of worms. You know, it used to be that you could switc... United States Constitution first ammendment media media watch social media 3 jun 2023
Alex E. The Media Wrecked America It's high time we face the harsh truth: the mainstream media has morphed into an unchecked wrecking ball, obliterating the American ideals of fairness, transparency, and balance. Our sacred freedom of... United States Constitution first ammendment free speech media media watch social media 2 jun 2023